Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions regarding the library and how it operates? Below are several common FAQs that can help answer your questions. If you still have questions, please contact us for further assistance.

How do I check materials out of the library?

A library card is required to check out library materials. Items check out for differing periods of time and most items can be renewed.  

Can I access the Internet from the library?

The library system has Internet computer workstations at all locations for your use. Access to the Internet is through OPLIN (Ohio Public Library Information Network) and requires that the user sign the Acceptable Use Policy. Parental signature is required for those users younger than 18.

Are there any days that the library is closed?

The library system is closed Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day.

What are the library's hours?

Each location has different hours. Please see Library Branch Locations

Do you have a Local Heritage and Genealogy collection?

The library has a Local History and Genealogy Department, which is located at the Schiappa Branch Library. See History & Genealogy

How is the public library system funded?

The library system, like the 251 other public libraries in Ohio, is funded by a dedicated fund allocated by the Ohio Legislature. The Public Library Fund receives a percentage of the general revenues of Ohio. In 2010, the electorate of Jefferson County approved a property tax levy for the library system to address a 31% cut in the State Public Library Fund.

When was the library founded?

See Library History

How is the library system connected to other libraries?

The Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County was one of the first of four libraries to join the Southeastern Ohio Library Center at Caldwell, Ohio in 1988. Our collections were added to that database established by the State Library of Ohio. Today, there are ninety-nine library systems (which includes 285 service points) connected on that database with nearly seven million items. Those items are available for interlibrary loan to the public for pick-up at your local library. OPLIN was established in 1995 by the Ohio Legislature. OPLIN began linking public libraries to the Ohio State Supercomputer Center in Columbus to provide Internet access to public libraries and to provide commercial databases to libraries.

How can the library help me find the information I need?

The Public Library of Steubenville and Jefferson County employs over 70 people in the seven library locations to assist you with your information needs. Use the Contact Us page, or simply ask at the circulation desk for assistance. If your information need is complex, we may ask that you contact us ahead of time so we can work on your request before you come to the library.

How much are overdue fines?

PLSJ is now fine free. The library no longer charges daily late fines on items that are overdue. All library materials still have a due date, and you will be notified when those items should be returned.  Not all materials are fine free. There will be a late fee for overdue hotspots, museum passes, and items checked out from the Library of Things. PLSJ patrons are also responsible for fully recovering funding for lost or damaged materials.

Does the library offer electronic databases that I can use from home?

Yes! For everything from auto repair guides online to practicing college entrance exams, we have you covered! Please use the Research Databases page for more information and links to what incredible websites are just a click away.

I have some other question.

Please contact PLSJ and let us know how we can assist you!

Source URL: https://www.steubenvillelibrary.org/about/faq